A. Peep the Beautiful of Jogja
Yogyakarta is known as Jogja is a city located on the island of Java, Indonesia.This city was once used as the Capital of Indonesia during the colonial era.But it is different for now, a city that was once used as the City of Indonesia .These now serve as the capital city of Yogyakarta, or DIY since transferred to the Capital of the metropolitan city or town is often referred to by name Jakarta. Yogyakarta or Jogja is also the second major city after Jakarta city. Many activities such as economic, political, social and culture make this city is a very busy plus the city has a designation as a city of students because 20% of the population is profession as student.This makes the Yogyakarta city no less busy than the Jakarta city, which incidentally is a big city and even number one in Indonesia.
But beside that Yogyakarta also has panorama with very beatiful.The carpet of green fields who participated donated supply of oxygen (O2) in the Yogyakarta region can easily be found on the outskirts of the Yogyakarta city.It looks more beautiful and captivate with Mount Merapi as a background.It same for the beaches with palm trees add beauty and clearness flamboyant special atmosphere is situated in the south area of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).
Panoramic beauty makes the city of Yogyakarta be balancing with the many bustle of city dwellers. Populations or community will not feel bored and tired with the various activities that have been done because the beautiful scenery as if drugged and treat fatigue after doing various activities such very tired.With that, the dwellers of Yogyakarta will reopen the next day with a fresh mood and eager to get through the days that are actually filled with challenges.
B. Cycling To School and Work
Quite a shame if the town is at first has very beautiful panorama can even be said to be a paradise in this world is slowly destroyed due to human actions can’t be held. Many among us are less sensitive to these environmental.Until thats all cause of the damage that culminate on a result and finally we are as human beings who can feel the the impacts.We are as human which he said is the most perfect creature with a surplus that has been given by him is as a Thinking Person should be able to think even though there is no rule of law related to the case in reality.But in fact it just the say,over time these men have even more can’t be controlled about the think and the actions.So it makes the emergence of the rules that have strict enough sanctions to deal with it.
So did the city of Yogyakarta.The dwellers of DIY is not different than other cities ones in Indonesia, even the population in the world even although at the beginning of the first inhabitants of the city has a good soul or personality which love environment and love all creatures in the world a specially for human .They need regulations that can restrict actions that might cause a bad thing, which certainly will befall us all.
In this case the government of Jogjakarta has a program to protect our nature from the destruction.The one of them is make the slogan containing the word pearls that lay on the fringes along the street of Yogyakarta.
My Jogja is clean,My Jogja is comfortable. That's the pearl of the words which are often seen if we had entered the area of Yogyakarta city.That is a tactic of Yogyakarta government to make the city of Yogyakarta clean and comfortable.Is that ?, these words have been deliberately made or created and placed along the Yogyakarta streets. The community, particularly communities across the streets of Yogyakarta city really save those words in memory of her brain eventually form an action that supports the the pearls words.But apparently,it does not inspire people to care enough to the environment.
The one of Yogyakarta’s government which then is "Segawe Sego" or "Sepeda Kanggo Sekolah Ian Nyambutgawe" which means "Biking To School and Work." This decision was made considering the impact of global warming that is now being felt by people.In event ever undertaken by the government of Jogja ago named "GENERAL STRIKE BIKE TO JOGJA" precisely on March 1, 2009 coincide with the general assault on March 1, Mayor of the city of Yogyakarta Herry Zudianto in Jogja Back Cycling oration said, "The city of Yogyakarta is a struggle city, the struggle was not confined the last time, but is also present in this time of struggle. The challenge that is very close to the quality of global warming which occurred in the environment.The impact on climate change, consequently the air temperature at the surface of the earth is getting hotter as well as in the city of Yogyakarta. "The earth is getting hotter not only the fans, The people of Jogja must fight, as this city struggles," said the Mayor.
But apparently with the program, initiated by the government that was not too soon knocking on people's hearts for many communities.Many societies that driving the motorocycle with very relaxed.So far , the vehicle is the main cause of global warming. The vehicle contributed the largest number of carbon dioxide in a layer of the atmosphere.
As has been said by the Mayor of Yogyakarta Herry Zudiyanto in his oration that is "action to get used to cycling is a simple but wise action for the environment and the future. Do not take lightly the bike, because it becomes part of the solution to the problem of the city. In addition to environmentally friendly, energy efficient, with cycling a sport to be fit and grow the soul of simplicity, empathy for the weak and learning to make themselves personally with character not easily give up in order to achieve a goal, "he explained.
Given the very large role for the life of the young generation later, the article should be cycling to school and work are getting a place in public as it is directly or indirectly, it is necessary in their lives to Jogjakarta clean and comfortable watch.
But beside that Yogyakarta also has panorama with very beatiful.The carpet of green fields who participated donated supply of oxygen (O2) in the Yogyakarta region can easily be found on the outskirts of the Yogyakarta city.It looks more beautiful and captivate with Mount Merapi as a background.It same for the beaches with palm trees add beauty and clearness flamboyant special atmosphere is situated in the south area of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).
Panoramic beauty makes the city of Yogyakarta be balancing with the many bustle of city dwellers. Populations or community will not feel bored and tired with the various activities that have been done because the beautiful scenery as if drugged and treat fatigue after doing various activities such very tired.With that, the dwellers of Yogyakarta will reopen the next day with a fresh mood and eager to get through the days that are actually filled with challenges.
B. Cycling To School and Work
Quite a shame if the town is at first has very beautiful panorama can even be said to be a paradise in this world is slowly destroyed due to human actions can’t be held. Many among us are less sensitive to these environmental.Until thats all cause of the damage that culminate on a result and finally we are as human beings who can feel the the impacts.We are as human which he said is the most perfect creature with a surplus that has been given by him is as a Thinking Person should be able to think even though there is no rule of law related to the case in reality.But in fact it just the say,over time these men have even more can’t be controlled about the think and the actions.So it makes the emergence of the rules that have strict enough sanctions to deal with it.
So did the city of Yogyakarta.The dwellers of DIY is not different than other cities ones in Indonesia, even the population in the world even although at the beginning of the first inhabitants of the city has a good soul or personality which love environment and love all creatures in the world a specially for human .They need regulations that can restrict actions that might cause a bad thing, which certainly will befall us all.
In this case the government of Jogjakarta has a program to protect our nature from the destruction.The one of them is make the slogan containing the word pearls that lay on the fringes along the street of Yogyakarta.
My Jogja is clean,My Jogja is comfortable. That's the pearl of the words which are often seen if we had entered the area of Yogyakarta city.That is a tactic of Yogyakarta government to make the city of Yogyakarta clean and comfortable.Is that ?, these words have been deliberately made or created and placed along the Yogyakarta streets. The community, particularly communities across the streets of Yogyakarta city really save those words in memory of her brain eventually form an action that supports the the pearls words.But apparently,it does not inspire people to care enough to the environment.
The one of Yogyakarta’s government which then is "Segawe Sego" or "Sepeda Kanggo Sekolah Ian Nyambutgawe" which means "Biking To School and Work." This decision was made considering the impact of global warming that is now being felt by people.In event ever undertaken by the government of Jogja ago named "GENERAL STRIKE BIKE TO JOGJA" precisely on March 1, 2009 coincide with the general assault on March 1, Mayor of the city of Yogyakarta Herry Zudianto in Jogja Back Cycling oration said, "The city of Yogyakarta is a struggle city, the struggle was not confined the last time, but is also present in this time of struggle. The challenge that is very close to the quality of global warming which occurred in the environment.The impact on climate change, consequently the air temperature at the surface of the earth is getting hotter as well as in the city of Yogyakarta. "The earth is getting hotter not only the fans, The people of Jogja must fight, as this city struggles," said the Mayor.
But apparently with the program, initiated by the government that was not too soon knocking on people's hearts for many communities.Many societies that driving the motorocycle with very relaxed.So far , the vehicle is the main cause of global warming. The vehicle contributed the largest number of carbon dioxide in a layer of the atmosphere.
As has been said by the Mayor of Yogyakarta Herry Zudiyanto in his oration that is "action to get used to cycling is a simple but wise action for the environment and the future. Do not take lightly the bike, because it becomes part of the solution to the problem of the city. In addition to environmentally friendly, energy efficient, with cycling a sport to be fit and grow the soul of simplicity, empathy for the weak and learning to make themselves personally with character not easily give up in order to achieve a goal, "he explained.
Given the very large role for the life of the young generation later, the article should be cycling to school and work are getting a place in public as it is directly or indirectly, it is necessary in their lives to Jogjakarta clean and comfortable watch.